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Welcome to My Personal Blog!


An easy to follow overview of the following page
Table of Contents

Some Personal Space...


The Personal Space Show | Rick and Morty1

I've finally made myself a place for my thoughts and opinions and it honestly feels... Great. :)

So where do we start?

I wanted to have a big thing planned for this and to have something really cool and interesting for you ( the reader ) to keep coming back and hopefully comment and interact with the blog, but honestly. I've got nothing.

So let's just wing it!

Why Start a Blog

I'm always diving into new things on the web and sometimes I come acrossed some really cool things, be it ideas, projects to build, etc. & I felt that starting a blog was a nice way to bring some of that information and/or ideas to anyone that may come to the blog.

Here is an example of something that I might share...

// Basic Javascript function that will return 'This is a basic function'.
const myFunction = () => {
    return 'This is a basic function';

This is a basic Javascript function, just for example and demonstration purposes.

What Can You Find Here

Effectivly you will mainly find my thoughts and opinions, along side with other topics that I would generally like to discuss.

This is my personal space and I would like to make that clear before someone comes here and tries to tell me what I should be doing, or how I should go about things, etc. There may be things on this blog that you may disagree with or find that you don't like, but this will not give you the right to tell me what or how to post.

I Am Right, You Are Wrong

Since this is the first 'blog' to hopefully many more, I would like to iterate one last time that this is my personal blog and if anything on this blog upsets you, and/or you may find that you believe that I may be wrong. You are wrong. 😊👍


  1. The Personal Space Show | Season 2 Episode 8 | Rick and Morty - While browsing interdimensional cable, Rick, Morty, and Summer stumble across a show called Personal Space.