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Rocket League: Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket Powered Battle Cars


🔥🔥 It's Been a Blast These Past Couple Years. 🔥🔥

Rocket League

There really aren't many other games that are like Rocket League; the game has a whole other level of mechanics that are involved in winning a round. If you are anywhere in the competitive level of play, this will usually start around Platinum and Diamond for most players, while the more advanced players will be found in the Champions and Grand Champions ranks. Most players will not make it to the SSL rank. (Supersonic Legend)

Rocket League is definitely considered one of those timeless games to me at this point. I have been playing this game for over 7 years, and I still enjoy it every time I play it.

The real problem with Rocket League, though, after all these years? The community is terrible; honestly, I haven't found many other games where 90% of the community is just constantly trash talking one another, even teammates that aren't doing anything to help, passing the ball to the other team, etc. insanity to know how many players are not very good but think they are godtiers, which is literally WILD.

Because You Hit the Ball Doesn't Mean You're Helping❗

Bad Pass

Just Terrible

Most players are under the presumption that just because they are hitting the ball, they are contributing an ounce to the match and are top-tier-level players, like there's not even a doubt in the existence of humankind that they could just be a... LOSER.


So next time you actually go on and start trash-talking your teammate, take a moment to ask yourself:

What have I been doing this round?

Or, on a broader scale, my entire life...

Because it's not always someone else's fault why you might have lost the game you are playing, maybe just maybe... PERHAPS you are not as good of a player as you thought.

Crazy to even think about it, but sometimes the problem isn't always someone else.

Where Is My Trading Epic⁉️🤬

Look, I started playing before you thought you could just become stepdad. Okay? I bought a lot of keys for crates and got a lot of really cool shit too. The problem with no trading is that if we don't get the item ourselves, how the heck do we get it? What if that item isn't a drop item (white hat, gold nugget, etc.)?

This will literally just create incentives for account sharing, selling, etc.

It's not the brightest business model that someone can think of.

After Everything We've Been Through..


Rocket League continues to be my favorite game after all of this time, and honestly, we've been through a lot together.

I hope that anyone who reads this understands where I come from with this article; it's actually a place of love for this game that I bring up some of the root problems with this game. Most individuals would like to put all that can possibly be bad about a game on the developers, ownership teams, etc., and most of the problems that plague Rocket League are far from this aspect and much more embedded in the community as a whole.

Let's start having fun again and stop trying to drag each other down.

You: Nice shot!